Wednesday, August 26, 2009 |
Holiday Shmoliday! |
Yes, apologies for the long black blanket of silence! Holidays have been fun filled (along with sleep filled) and there's really too much to do!
If you're wondering why then, the golden silence of my fingers, then the reason is simply, I don't pride myself in boring people with daily updates about what I do every. single. day. Of course, I did have cousins from overseas coming over, went to the Zoo, attended a wedding dinner, yada yada. Thing is, I blog about issues and life! I don't pride myself in blogging daily about how many times I went to the toilet, where I went shopping, where I clubbed, who I kissed and who I didn't. These insignificant things don't really concern me.
That's the real evil about Twitter isn't it? And for that matter, the majority of the "private" (or not) blogs on cyberspace too. Thank God you can actually choose who you want to follow on Twitter. I can't imagine being bombarded on my computer (and more recently, PHONES) with incessant, unnecessary, annoying "Tweets" on the phone saying: "(name) is at Bugis now!" "(name) is watching TV! So boring!" "(name) is feeling sick" "(name) loves her new shoes!" "(name) is waiting outside Zouk" "(name) is bathing his dog" "(name) is taking a shit"
Oh wait.. here's one more! "THE ALS DOESN'T CARE" (No I don't have Twitter btw. Good Lord.)
For all of you who've subscribed to the typical-total-twitter-twit (TTTT for short), good luck with your "social life" (note the inverted commas) or lack thereof. It's funny how the bad habits from SMS Fidiots (new term! new term! Fidiots = F. Idiots) carry over to Twitter and blogging in that respect. What do I mean? Here's a typical flow of SMSes an SMS Fidiot would send:
"Hey man!" "I'm fine, lol. Was just wondering you free?" "Around 9 or 10?" "Go club lol" "At Zouk" "Me and 3 others" "Can, let us know" "Can you call Alex?" "k" "k" "seeya loolz"
Why can't people realise the simplicity of simply SMS-ing EVERY detail and squeezing it into a 1 or 2 page sms? Same thing for twitter and blogging!
Fidiot bloggers are another fancy bunch. Wait a sec, I do understand the purpose of private blogging and all for your own pleasure, to express yourself online. I like reading about the interesting and special things in the lives of friends and family. What I don't want to read is the "I went out to bugis today. I saw 2 skirts and dresses. So nice. I went to eat Sushi. So nice. I went home." -type blogs. Unfortunately, for these people, they forget that other people actually have a life. Blogs are supposed to be interesting and readable, not some place where someone rambles on and on about his/her daily eat-pee/poo-sleep routine and unimaginative nonsense.
Which brings me to... Singapore Idol. For the first time in a while, I'm actually half impressed (also when Olinda was taking part. Season 1) with the decent talent we have in SG Idol this season. The past season (the one with Champ Hady Mirza) was really dull and boring. Jonathan-"rocker"-Leong. Ho hum. Paul-Oilyhair-Twohill. Ho hum. Jasmine Tye? Ho hum. Joakim Gomez? Ho hum. Apart from pretty faces (Nnnoooooooo.... Whyyyyyyy Gayle Nerva?? Whyyyyyyyyy), nothing much talent wise unfortunately. (Notice I said pretty faces, referring to the girls. The guys that season.. ugh) Photo of Gayle below. (Taken off Gayle's official fanblog:
Nooooooooooo!! Why did you have to go Gayle? Whyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
Having said that, interesting to see how several potential talents out there grow and go on to win. I've got my eye out for that girl that came back from Australia. (I've also got my eye out for 1 or 2 guys on the show with annoying attitudes) It seems they both suffer from talking-without-thinkingalitis! I like how Ben explained himself: "I just ramble on. It's not my fault (yeah it never is), it's what I do when I'm nervous." Yeah, blame it on circumstances. "It's not my fault" Hmmm... I've heard that before... Ben's got talent, but he needs to nurture himself into a likable personality.
Ah well.. Prediction time! I'm gonna stick out my neck and say that Aussie-porean girl's gonna win it!
Today's Song: You found me - The Fray
MRT Watch: Thank God that the few short trips I made to Pasir Ris were sane!
Confucius says: Grasshopper, when you notice that all the chips are down and you've reached your end, it's time to stop. Move to another table. Because apparently you suck at poker.
In totally unrelated news: Oh stop denying it! Liverpool miss Xabi Alonso! And poor Lucass.. oops! I mean, Lucas, isn't gonna cut it. Last season: Liverpool 4-0 Aston Villa This season: Liverpool 1-3 Aston Villa How the "mighty" have fallen. |
posted by The Als @ 9:03 pm  |
Saturday, August 08, 2009 |
The freak, meek 3 week holiday! |
I spent the last week or so shuttling in between studying and more studying. After much slaving over two thick, pathetic books, exams are officially OVER and holidays are now officially IN SESSION! Imagine studying 15 chapters each from 2 books in 6 weeks. Now THAT'S intense. It's like cramming 2 Big Macs (TM) into your mouth at lunchtime. Near impossible but I suppose I pulled it off decently. Now I just wait to be surprised by the results.
Before I go on with other things, first, a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Singapore! Being involved for 2 years with the fireworks at NDP has been really special and if there comes a chance for me to work with the commercial pyrotechnic crews for NDP, I sure as heck would want to! I've got 2 year's worth of experience in NDP and I'm a certified Ammunition Technician Specialist I. (Self advertisement)
Now... It's been bothering me that certain people are using their backsides to think. One thing would be the annoying china girl (ACG) on the MRT. Now, don't call me a racist, but honestly, ACG's pastries must be SO SO TIRED because the 2 small boxes of pastries were seated in the priority seat beside her on a decently post-rush hour train. Totally oblivious to all the evil eyes that people were trying to stare daggers with. Pretend to sleep somemore. Pretend to look around. Pretend not to care. I've been thinking we can add more things to what the MRT marshals can carry with them:
MRT Marshals should carry:
1) Cattle Prods - To zap those young, pretend pretend sleep idiots who take the priority seats.
2) Hand Axes - To lop off the legs of those who cross their legs and rub their dirty soles on the pants of the person beside them.
3) Fat, starving 5 year old boy - To eat away food that's put on the seat. Yes, I haven't forgotten you Chicken Rice Woman.
4) Handcuffs - So they can chain those people who lean/hug/buah/lie on the holding poles TO the poles themselves since they LOVE the pole so much.
5) A HUGE "THIS IS SINGAPORE" Stamp - So we can stamp "THIS IS SINGAPORE" on to the foreheads of those foreigners to FAIL to realise that this country isn't China, isn't India, Nepal, Uganda, America, whatnot. This IS Singapore and there are social rules and norms to follow.
Speaking of idiots... Apparently celebrities aren't using their heads as well. Take Hayden Panettiere for example. Little HEROES cheerleader. This might be old news to some but I've been wanting to write about this for awhile. I totally can't wrap my mind around how hopelessly... well... I'll let you see for yourself:
Well, yeah. Here's the thing. It's one thing to show a little skin and wear something "sexy". Now, it's another thing to reveal too much. I call it TMI. Too Much Info. Precisely. This? Too much info. Wayyyyy too much info.
Thank you Hayden, I'm sure many prepubescent boys would be very happy to see this but please.. In the words of Pastor Joel, less is more. Seriously.
I've been playing Plants VS Zombies for the past week now and it's been a total blast man. I just got my brains eaten after completing 73 flags (BEAT THAT) in Survival Endless. Trust me, if you think it's that easy to beat, think again. Get as far as I did and find out how hard it is for yourself. Completed Adventure mode twice, have a nice Zen Garden, completed the Encyclopedia, completed the Minigames, completed all Survival Modes and completed all puzzles. Man. I need to get a life. I need a new game to kill time.
Oh, I've been tasked to take control of a media campaign for an upcoming GEL Youth event in September! Hah! I remember sharing today that God had a plan for putting me into SIM and studying what I am now. And this is the first of many assignments that I'll be overseeing and executing. Finally I can get to use some of the nonsense that's been crammed into my head!
Today's Song: Livin' on a Prayer - Bon Jovi
MRT Watch: I wait for the day where my writing will change Singapore for the better. I have a dream. I have a dream that one day, MRT Marshals will have the authority and tools (see above) to enforce the law, vigilante style.
Confucius says: Grasshopper, if you want it to snow in Singapore, very simple steps: 1) Go to freezer. 2) Take Ice. 3) Crush Ice. 4) Get friend to sprinkle on you. 5) Laugh in pleasure.
In totally unrelated news: 8 more days to the start of the Barclay's Premier League!! Tomorrow: Manchester United VS Chelsea - English FA Community Shield! GO REDS! |
posted by The Als @ 10:29 pm  |
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Name: The Als
Home: Singapore
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