Tuesday, May 27, 2008 |
The fresh new beginning |
I start to look back on life as it is, taking a look in the rear view mirror. I start to think about all that's happened in the past - happiness, gross disappointments, the high points, heartbreaks and irony of life.
I stepped into a shiny white, green campus and after 3 weeks, I realise. And I congratulate myself. Welcome to your new life. I have met new people, people who are driven, creative, loud (oh my god, finally.) and outspoken. I can't help but think that, even in a class of communications students, all with so much to say, and I'm considered pretty "normal volume". It's amazing too that I've met people who I have quite alot in common with and whom I feel exactly comfortable to talk to and open up even.
I read back alot of my old entires in my blog. It made me smile to some extent and also think back, about the times when I was just so nieve and silly. I've realised alot of things and in some sense, I've suffered enough to enjoy being where I am. Suffered enough to know where I stand and suffered enough to know how it's like to survive.
As I look back, I can't help but smile. I do finally feel at home. With the people I'm with, with the people I talk to and where I am. |
posted by The Als @ 9:19 pm  |