Sunday, May 31, 2009 |
I Courteously Beseech You to be Courteous. |
Now... I don't really get the whole "Please be courteous" thing. If the lovely "Garrmen" has to BEG us Singaporeans so actually be courteous, then this says one of two things: 1) The lovely Government has nothing bloody effing better to do,
or 2) Singaporeans has THAT bad, discourteous and useless. Before you say anything, I'm telling you, TELLING you, that it's option 2.
How much more do Singaporeans want the Garrrmen to do? How much more inconspicuous embarassment does the general Singaporean public have to suffer before courtesy becomes a way of life? How many more rude foreigners (especially the China-ese) must literally shove people on the MRTs before the beloved Garrrrmen can acknoledge this problem? Oh and btw, how much more PCK - Phua Chu Kang (or Phua Cheehong Kia, whichever you prefer.) do we have to endure RAPPING, OMG RAPPING some courtesy rap!? Aren't you embarassed enough that PCK has become our somewhat national icon?! Next thing you know they'll hack down the Merlion who got headshot by lightning in favour of a bronze statue of friggin PCK.
You know, it's not so much not giving up the seat. Yes, this minor problem can be addressed with more awareness campaigns and all that. The real issue is the daily cases of friggin ASSAULT by ugly China-ese people who literally SHOVE people out of the way to get to seats. They home in on empty seats like savage hormone charged teenage boys in puberty who have been sexually deprived for 6 weeks homing in on sweet young things. It's absolutely depressing that these particular bastard China-ese people who give their own hardworking brothers a bad name. Many China-ese I know have decent manners and work really hard. Kudos to them who try. But these effing uncles who think Singapore is THEIR China, excuse me a sec. It's high time someone punched them in the face for shoving their girlfriend (or for that matter, female friend) aside. Put them on a stake and burn them. Public humiliation AND an execution. What fun!
I bet these UGLY China-ese and UGLY Singaporeans will be the first to contract Donkey Flu. Why? Because they behave just like JACKASSES.
Today's Song: Rin on the Rox's rendition of - Miss Independent
MRT Watch: Someone decided to hit the emergency button today. Twice. Once, prompting an announcement, and the second, DURING the announcement. This caused swift mobilization of MRT staff who "stormed" the offending cabin and did a check. Kudos for the amazing reaction time of the MRT staff. Very impressive and professional. Middle fingers for the IDIOT who hit the button.
In totally unrelated news: She's hotter than the weather. So hot. |
posted by The Als @ 6:35 pm  |
I know how you are talking about!!! Me right? Hee hee!
So true though, on the part of our dear comrades. As you & I have witnessed so many times.
& I like PCK ok! As long as they don't replace the Merlion with him that is.
Hey you! Over dare! Don't cut queue! Don't chu dare!
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I know how you are talking about!!!
Me right? Hee hee!
So true though, on the part of our dear comrades. As you & I have witnessed so many times.
& I like PCK ok! As long as they don't replace the Merlion with him that is.
Hey you! Over dare!
Don't cut queue! Don't chu dare!