Monday, July 20, 2009 |
You're a Racist! |
Thinking back, I feel horrible for grabbing a seat on the MRT just now when someone was clearly sitting there still. It was awkward having to see 3 of us jammed into 2 seats but I really wasn't thinking straight anymore.
I was really tired after an exam, drama during the exam (more on that later), a project discussion and dinner out. I didn't exactly notice there was someone already sitting in the seat that I had zoned in on when boarding the MRT. I feel really bad because I kinda sat on her rather on purpose. She was pretty small sized to begin with.. But still.. I apologise for sitting on half your lap. I'm sorry I failed to give up my seat to A LOUSY PACKET OF CHICKEN RICE. NOT.
It's late, I'm tired and the last thing I want to do is give up my row's center seat to a lousy styrofoam packet of chicken rice. I don't really effing care whether that packet of chicken rice is from some al famosa 5 star chicken extraordinaire shop. I'm tired, I want my damn seat, so the chicken rice can stand up and dance the chicky dance for all I care. Needless to say, if the lady sprawled all over the seat with her lousy chinese newspaper and chicken rice in the neighbouring seat actually NOTICED that people were getting on the train and MOVED, she wouldn't have gotten a 10% crushed pack of chicken rice. I didn't apologise then and I sure am not going to now. Oh, the huuumanity.
Speaking about humanity.. What in humanity's name happened in the exam hall today? It was surreal, bizarre and all that. I'm willing to bet all the money in my skinny wallet that you've never EVER, seen something like that before. Period.
What happened was, 10 minutes into the paper, Dr Hung (who's a Chinese national living and working in the USA for the past 25 years) catches someone looking suspiciously around on 5 occasions during the exam. He then tells her to move to another desk. The crazy girl looks up and refuses to budge, maintaining that she had done nothing wrong.
He issues her a warning (1st warning) and explains that he has seen her looking around on 5 different occasions within that 10 minutes. He tells her to move. Again, she refuses and mutters something beneath her breath.
He warns her again (2nd warning) and asks her to move. Again, same story. (3rd warning) Blatant refusal, she remains silent and ignores him and mutters "I'm not moving.".
Dr Hung insists on her moving and decrees "This is an order. Move now or I won't accept your answer script". (4th warning)
She looks up at him and says "You're very racist you know!". Dr Hung, clearly taken aback and amused, stares at her wide eyed. He chuckles (as do the rest of the class.) Dr Hung's chinese. The crazy bitch's also chinese..
"Me?! Racist?!" He replies. Dr Hung tells her, "This is your final warning. Move now or I'll send you out." (5th warning)
Again, ignoring. Once again, Dr Hung repeats his "threat" of sending her out of the hall. (6th warning)
She counters with a threat of her own: "I'll get you into trouble for this.". Dr Hung fires back: "You dare threaten me? Move. Now." (7th warning)
She moves.. but only to the seat just in front of her. (The seat that Dr Hung wants her to move to is 2 rows away and right in front) She declares martial law saying "I'm sitting here and I'm doing my paper. That's it."
Dr Hung counters and maintains his order to move to his designated seat. (8th warning). She moves to the first seat of her row and defiantly maintains that she's not moving another inch.
Dr Hung insists that that is it. He asks her to leave the hall. (9th warning) She refuses and questions why she can't sit in the place she already is. Dr Hung reminds her that her "final" warning has passed and the issue is over. (10th warning)
She gets up to move and takes her hands of her paper. Like lightning, Dr Hung, YOINK!, grabs the exam question paper and answer script from her grasp. He turns around, tells her to leave the hall and goes back to his seat, exhausted. Suddenly, a change of heart. She begs and begs, grovelling for his mercy. "I'm sorry Sir, I've had a really bad day". She says. Dr Hung ignores her. "Please Sir, please. I'm sorry. I'll sit here now. Please. I'll be quiet. Please, please Sir."
Dr Hung tells her to leave and it takes a threat to call the campus police before she finally leaves. She fires a parting shot, "I'll see that you get into trouble for this!"
Ah yes. Crazy bitch who has been in SIM for 4 years and has the same level modules as I am. Crazy bitch, according to JX, who has been copying other people for plently of other modules. Crazy bitch who has flunked a whole bunch of them. Crazy bitch who accuses a fellow chinese of being racist. Crazy bitch who threatens a professor. Twice. Crazy bitch who's gonna probably get expelled!
Jolyn's totally right. Let's hope she's not some crazy bitch who comes back one day and goes on a school stabbing/shooting spree.
Today's Song: Always - Bon Jovi
MRT Watch: Chicken rice wars. Fat men need to sit with their effing legs CLOSED. Fat tummy but small "instruments", so sit with your legs closed. I'll gladly continue to shake my leg to annoy you.
Confucius says: When wise man tells you to "hit the dance floor", he doesn't want you to kneel down and punch the floor.
In totally unrelated news: I love badminton! =) |
posted by The Als @ 11:07 pm  |
i like to play badminton too! and i actually think that i'm pretty good at it :P not a pro la, but better than an average player. hee!
no.. she said, "You're very racist you know!"
Als 2 Ari: YES YES! More badminton!
Als 2 Ryn: Haha really? I can't remember. I remember her calling him racist but forgot the phrasing haha. Thank you! Editted!
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i like to play badminton too! and i actually think that i'm pretty good at it :P not a pro la, but better than an average player. hee!