Wednesday, March 25, 2009 |
Stand up and Watch the Stars |
I’m rather bemused by human behaviour on the MRT. I should really think about changing the whole title of this to begin with. Study of the human species is so interesting. The scenario plays out again and again without fail: If a person, say, a female had to choose between an empty seat beside a man or beside a woman, 99% of the damn time she would chose to sit with the woman. The men? They do the same thing albeit less frequently. Now then, what makes us this anti-gender socially? Is it once again the notion of the socially (and somewhat romantically) inept Singaporean? Let’s face it. We’re ranked 13th in terms of “Friendliest Country” and ranked in the top ten of that “countries with worst sex lives survey”. I.E. the new daddies and mummies are not making enough of the babies... and inadvertently, not making enough of the love to go around. Well, kind of reasons out why Singapore doesn’t have much love and thus we rank 13th for “Friendliness”.
Leaping Lizards Batman! What do we do now caped crusader? Well, for a start, China ranks 11th (if I remember correctly). Now, if a country, infamously, is remembered for their rudeness and sharpness in their home culture, can rank 11th in the world, what does this then mean for Singapore? Simply, Singapore doesn’t have enough love (and for that matter, sex) to go around. Not enough babies, not enough courtesy, not enough love and in these over emphasized turbulent times, not enough money. Wow.
Well but take heart from all this! We’re actually very blessed with a whole ton of other things. We have no shortage of people with B.O. during rush hour on the MRT. We have no shortage of people who shove their ways into the MRT. We have no shortage of GST refund packages (Hopefully, God willing.) We have no shortage of price hikes, no shortage of stupid citizen “journalists” who post on that website... uh, what’s it called again? Stomp? Change your name to “Stop”. Please. By the way, FYI, journalism involves reporting facts, without bias and whatnot for the purpose of information or what not. Journalism is NOT posting some crappy mobile phone taken picture of a pissed off man in a Subaru sticking out his middle finger and “REPORTING” that he violated your laws of friendliness by taking your parking lot. OH THE HUMANITY! A STOLEN PARKING LOT! OH WHY LORD, WHY? SOMEONE RESERVED ANOTHER SEAT WITH A TISSUE PAPER PACKET! Get over yourself. One thing Singaporeans need to learn: If you have a damn grievance, instead of hiding behind a damn keyboard and computer screen, take it to the person’s face. If you can’t seem to learn the art of embarrassing people in public, then boo hoo for you. Sad. LEARN IT. I would personally take it to everyone but I don’t have the time or the energy to personally verbally abuse all those out there do I?
One wonders why Singapore is such a stable and beautiful place to live in. One also wonders why Singapore has 2 bloody lesbo women streaking down Holland V. Wonders why Singapore has people reserving space and place. (Hi, for those that have never exercised the squishy thing inside their skull, Singapore is about roughly 650 square kilometers. We’re so tiny and have 5 or 5.5 MILLION people inhumanely crushed into this damn place. We're already living on top of one another, so if I feel I need to “reserve” a space, isn’t it only logical? Anyway, back to point.) Wonders why China (and I have nothing against China or her people. I have many China-ese friends) can rank higher than us in terms of “Friendliness”. CHINA! We're oh-so-beautiful, oh-so-stable, oh-so-clean but sadly, not-so-friendly apparently.
We need to start making peace and... uh... sex, NOT war fellow Singaporeans. Make peace, not war. Make love, more babies. Make more GST refund package! |
posted by The Als @ 10:57 am  |
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